Khairul Anwar

DT LEADERSHIP is a Coaching & Training firm focusing on Innovation and Leadership development. This exclusive podcast covering topics on capability and capacity development Innovation, Change, Entrepreneurship (ICE). Website www.dtleadership.my Blog www.innov8n.coach

Categorias: Finanzas

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ICE Chat Interview with Dr Norazmi Alias, Senior Vice President of CREST Malaysia. He is based in Penang. 

The topic was about Crowd Innovation - where during the pandemic movement restriction in Malaysia, Dr Azmi and his volunteers in PRIME team cracked a new supply chain to provide continuous supplies of faceshields, personal protection equipments and nurses gears. Started in Penang, eventually spread to other states in Malaysia. 

Inspiring and eye opening for what a normal citizen group could do to make things better for everyone else. 

Episodios anteriores

  • 9 - Interview with Dr Norazmi Alias from CREST Penang 
    Mon, 03 Aug 2020
  • 8 - Designing Customers Profile 
    Mon, 03 Aug 2020
  • 6 - Grab Employee Experience Masterclass 
    Mon, 03 Aug 2020
  • 5 - ICE Chat_Interview with Jaafar Rihan_Islamic Finance_PayHalal 
    Sun, 05 Jul 2020
  • 4 - ICE Chat_Interview with Huza Radzi_HRC_F&B Challenges 
    Sun, 05 Jul 2020
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