Fidelity Answers: The Investment Podcast

Fidelity Answers: The Investment Podcast

Fidelity International

Fidelity Answers is a podcast channel from Fidelity International's editorial team. From tech cycles to The End of the Cycle, from downside protection to the upside of ESG, we bring you in depth conversations and the latest ideas from our analysts, portfolio managers and investment directors to explore the latest investment thinking.

As well as topical standalone episodes you'll find our series 'The Investor's Guide to China' where we put the economic powerhouse under the microscope with on-the-ground experts; and 'Fundamentals', a series where the analysts discuss the implications of their latest research, from 5G technology to the plight of the Orangutan. 

***If you enjoy Fidelity Answers then whey not listen to our other show, 'Rich Pickings: Fidelity's Asset Allocation Podcast', where each month we dive into the latest market trends with Fidelity's asset allocation group, asking them how they're positioned and why. What will the portfolio managers reveal about their investment strategies? What are the team's hot cakes this month? And what would they drop like a hot potato? 

Categorias: Noticias y política

Escuchar el último episodio:

Chinese healthcare is a vast universe, spanning everything from biotech to traditional medicine. It is also increasingly important as a growth driver for the economy as China's population gets older.

But recent policy shifts - both domestically and internationally - have obscured that structural story. Is it time for investors to pause and rethink their approach to the sector? Or should they double down for the growth opportunity at current valuations?

To help answer these questions, Marty Dropkin, Head of Equities, Asia Pacific, is joined by two of Fidelity International’s portfolio managers who invest in Chinese healthcare: Hyomi Jie and Tina Tian.

With additional contributions from healthcare analysts Duanting Zhai and Lizheng Zhu.

They also talked about Hyomi and Duanting’s recent article on medical device makers in China. To read that article and find out more about China’s healthcare sector, please visit or click the following link:

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Episodios anteriores

  • 122 - The Investor's Guide to China: Healthcare (#30) 
    Fri, 07 Jun 2024
  • 121 - Rich Pickings: The long-term themes challenging investors 
    Thu, 25 Apr 2024
  • 120 - The Investor's Guide to China: Shareholder return (#29) 
    Wed, 24 Apr 2024
  • 119 - The Investor's Guide to China: Cities and migration (#28) 
    Fri, 08 Mar 2024
  • 118 - Rich Pickings: Asia and Latin America are reshaping the world for investors 
    Mon, 19 Feb 2024
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