Film Florida

Film Florida

Entertainment Production Association

Film Florida is a state-wide not-for–profit entertainment production trade association that represents Florida’s screen production industry. The Film Florida Podcast focuses on the people and stories that make up the multi-billion dollar screen production industry in Florida and features a wide ranging guest list including award winning writers, producers, storytellers, visual effects artists, actors, and more.

Categorias: Cine y TV

Escuchar el último episodio:

Film Florida Podcast Episode 127- Based in Miami, Marco Mall is the Executive Producer of the Florida Film House, the Founder of World Wide Urban Distribution, 1st Take Youth Film Program and Urban Film Festival and an Executive with the Urban Streaming Network. Marco has spent more than a decade mentoring young talent, developing an in-house team of filmmakers, and vertically integrating their business from service productions to their own six feature films. We talk to Marco about all of these endeavors and more on this episode of the Film Florida Podcast. Audio editing by Rob Hill.

Episodios anteriores

  • 127 - Episode 127- Marco Mall, Florida Film House, 1st Take Youth Film Program, Urban Film Festival 
    Sun, 12 May 2024
  • 126 - Episode 126- Traci Deen & Chad Crawford, “Protect Our Paradise” 
    Sun, 28 Apr 2024
  • 125 - Episode 125- Ronald Baez & Ashley Rose, White Elephant Group 
    Sun, 14 Apr 2024
  • 124 - Episode 124- Melora Hardin, Actress, Producer & Director 
    Sun, 31 Mar 2024
  • 123 - Episode 123- Mario Garcia & Michael Alfieri, “The Throwback” 
    Sun, 17 Mar 2024
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